Xaa-wan'-k'wvt Village & Resort
Smith River, CA 95567
Local Phone: 707-487-3141
Smith River, CA 95567
Local Phone: 707-487-3141
Nearby Parks
Established in 1929, this 10,000 acre predominately old growth coast redwoods park is bisected by the last major free flowing river in California, the Smith River. Almost all of the park land...
Your first impression of Loeb may well be the scent of the myrtlewood forest ... a crisp, bay leaf aroma. The park is nestled in a grove of these lovely trees. Many of the trees in the park...
Castle Rock Refuge is half a mile offshore from Crescent City in northern California. This coastal rock covers approximately 14 acres, and rises steeply 335 feet above sea level. The refuge...